
Privacy policy of Central-Midori (Int’l) Pte Ltd

Personal data such as initial, address, telephone number or e-mail, collected/ managed during our web activities, are processed in accordance with national laws and regulations on data protection and security. 

You hold the decision whether to disclose personal data in the context of an inquiry or similar. In general, your data will only be sent to intended e-mail address and not be stored. We only use your personal data will be only used to answer/ process your inquiry, orders or provide to provide special information or offers. In maintenance of customer relations, we may store, process your personal data. 

You can request the modification, deletion or blocking of stored data at any time via e-mail. User profiles with or without personal reference are not created. We will respect your decision if you do not wish to provide us with personal data to support customer relationship. Personal data will not be sold to third parties nor market it in any other way.

Anonymous data collection

When you access our websites, information is automatically collected for the purpose of our web statistics, not assigned to a specific person (e.g. IP address, Internet browser and operating system; domain name of the website from which you navigate; no. of visits, browsing duration, pages viewed).

Data are only analysed in anonymized form. No cookies or active content are used. We process this information to study our websites attraction, also to improve the destinated contents.

Collection and processing of personal data

In principle, no personal data is collected on our Internet pages, which serve purely to provide customer information.  

In the event to communicate with Central Midori (Int’l) Pte Ltd on an individual basis, personal data will be collected which you provide to us voluntarily and of your own volition. This may occur, for example, in the context of an application for a job offer, an online survey or in similar contexts. 

As part of these services, your registration data will be processed for the purpose disclosed to you. You will be actively informed of this by Central Midori (Int’l) Pte Ltd in accordance of the Data Protection Act.

Data security

Precautions are taken to ensure the security of your personal data. Your data is conscientiously protected against loss, destruction, falsification, manipulation and unauthorized access or unauthorized disclosure.  

Our websites contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the data protection strategies or the content of these other websites.